Matthew 12:50
12:50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is
my brother and sister and mother.”
Matthew 25:40
25:40 And the king will answer them,
‘I tell you the truth,
just as you did it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters
of mine, you did it for me.’
Romans 8:29
8:29 because those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that his Son
would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.
Hebrews 1:11-12
1:11 They will perish, but you continue.
And they will all grow old like a garment,
1:12 and like a robe you will fold them up
and like a garment they will be changed,
but you are the same and your years will never run out.”