Nahum 2:3-4

Prophetic Vision of the Fall of Nineveh

2:3 The shields of his warriors are dyed red;

the mighty soldiers are dressed in scarlet garments.

The metal fittings of the chariots shine

like fire on the day of battle;

the soldiers brandish their spears.

2:4 The chariots race madly through the streets,

they rush back and forth in the broad plazas;

they look like lightning bolts,

they dash here and there like flashes of lightning.

Jude 1:22

1:22 And have mercy on those who waver;

Job 39:22-25

39:22 It laughs at fear and is not dismayed;

it does not shy away from the sword.

39:23 On it the quiver rattles;

the lance and javelin flash.

39:24 In excitement and impatience it consumes the ground;

it cannot stand still when the trumpet is blown.

39:25 At the sound of the trumpet, it says, ‘Aha!’

And from a distance it catches the scent of battle,

the thunderous shouting of commanders,

and the battle cries.

Isaiah 9:5

9:5 Indeed every boot that marches and shakes the earth

and every garment dragged through blood

is used as fuel for the fire.

Jeremiah 47:3

47:3 Fathers will hear the hoofbeats of the enemies’ horses,

the clatter of their chariots and the rumbling of their wheels.

They will not turn back to save their children

because they will be paralyzed with fear.