Nehemiah 6:14

6:14 Remember, O my God, Tobiah and Sanballat in light of these actions of theirs – also Noadiah the prophetess and the other prophets who were trying to scare me!

Psalms 59:5-13

59:5 You, O Lord God, the invincible warrior, the God of Israel,

rouse yourself and punish all the nations!

Have no mercy on any treacherous evildoers! (Selah)

59:6 They return in the evening;

they growl like a dog

and prowl around outside the city.

59:7 Look, they hurl insults at me

and openly threaten to kill me,

for they say,

“Who hears?”

59:8 But you, O Lord, laugh in disgust at them;

you taunt all the nations.

59:9 You are my source of strength! I will wait for you!

For God is my refuge.

59:10 The God who loves me will help me;

God will enable me to triumph over my enemies.

59:11 Do not strike them dead suddenly,

because then my people might forget the lesson.

Use your power to make them homeless vagabonds and then bring them down,

O Lord who shields us!

59:12 They speak sinful words.

So let them be trapped by their own pride

and by the curses and lies they speak!

59:13 Angrily wipe them out! Wipe them out so they vanish!

Let them know that God rules

in Jacob and to the ends of the earth! (Selah)

Psalms 59:2

59:2 Deliver me from evildoers!

Rescue me from violent men!

Psalms 4:1

Psalm 4

For the music director, to be accompanied by stringed instruments; a psalm of David.

4:1 When I call out, answer me,

O God who vindicates me!

Though I am hemmed in, you will lead me into a wide, open place.

Have mercy on me and respond to my prayer!