Numbers 23:7

23:7 Then Balaam uttered his oracle, saying,

“Balak, the king of Moab, brought me from Aram,

out of the mountains of the east, saying,

‘Come, pronounce a curse on Jacob for me;

come, denounce Israel.’

Numbers 23:18

Balaam Prophesies Again

23:18 Balaam uttered his oracle, and said,

“Rise up, Balak, and hear;

Listen to me, son of Zippor:

Numbers 24:3

24:3 Then he uttered this oracle:

“The oracle of Balaam son of Beor;

the oracle of the man whose eyes are open;

Numbers 24:15

Balaam Prophesies a Fourth Time

24:15 Then he uttered this oracle:

“The oracle of Balaam son of Beor;

the oracle of the man whose eyes are open;

Job 27:1

A Protest of Innocence

27:1 And Job took up his discourse again:

Isaiah 14:4

14:4 you will taunt the king of Babylon with these words:

“Look how the oppressor has met his end!

Hostility has ceased!

Ezekiel 16:44

16:44 “‘Observe – everyone who quotes proverbs will quote this proverb about you: “Like mother, like daughter.”

Habakkuk 2:6

The Proud Babylonians are as Good as Dead

2:6 “But all these nations will someday taunt him

and ridicule him with proverbial sayings:

‘The one who accumulates what does not belong to him is as good as dead

(How long will this go on?)

he who gets rich by extortion!’

Mark 12:12

12:12 Now they wanted to arrest him (but they feared the crowd), because they realized that he told this parable against them. So they left him and went away.