Numbers 24:16

24:16 the oracle of the one who hears the words of God,

and who knows the knowledge of the Most High,

who sees a vision from the Almighty,

although falling flat on the ground with eyes open:

Psalms 7:17

7:17 I will thank the Lord for his justice;

I will sing praises to the sovereign Lord!

Psalms 50:14

50:14 Present to God a thank-offering!

Repay your vows to the sovereign One!

Psalms 82:6

82:6 I thought, ‘You are gods;

all of you are sons of the Most High.’

Psalms 91:1

Psalm 91

91:1 As for you, the one who lives in the shelter of the sovereign One,

and resides in the protective shadow of the mighty king

Psalms 92:8

92:8 But you, O Lord, reign forever!

Isaiah 14:14

14:14 I will climb up to the tops of the clouds;

I will make myself like the Most High!”

Daniel 4:17

4:17 This announcement is by the decree of the sentinels;

this decision is by the pronouncement of the holy ones,

so that those who are alive may understand

that the Most High has authority over human kingdoms,

and he bestows them on whomever he wishes.

He establishes over them even the lowliest of human beings.’

Daniel 5:18

5:18 As for you, O king, the most high God bestowed on your father Nebuchadnezzar a kingdom, greatness, honor, and majesty.

Acts 7:48

7:48 Yet the Most High does not live in houses made by human hands, as the prophet says,