Numbers 4:15

4:15 “When Aaron and his sons have finished covering the sanctuary and all the furnishings of the sanctuary, when the camp is ready to journey, then the Kohathites will come to carry them; but they must not touch any holy thing, or they will die. These are the responsibilities of the Kohathites with the tent of meeting.

Numbers 7:9

7:9 But to the Kohathites he gave none, because the service of the holy things, which they carried on their shoulders, was their responsibility.

Joshua 3:3

3:3 and commanded the people: “When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God being carried by the Levitical priests, you must leave here and walk behind it.

Joshua 3:1

Israel Crosses the Jordan

3:1 Bright and early the next morning Joshua and the Israelites left Shittim and came to the Jordan. They camped there before crossing the river.

Joshua 15:2

15:2 Their southern border started at the southern tip of the Salt Sea,

Joshua 15:15

15:15 From there he attacked the people of Debir. (Debir used to be called Kiriath Sepher.)

Joshua 15:25-26

15:25 Hazor Hadattah, Kerioth Hezron (that is, Hazor), 15:26 Amam, Shema, Moladah,