Numbers 5:27

5:27 When he has made her drink the water, then, if she has defiled herself and behaved unfaithfully toward her husband, the water that brings a curse will enter her to produce bitterness – her abdomen will swell, her thigh will fall away, and the woman will become a curse among her people.

Numbers 5:2

5:2 “Command the Israelites to expel from the camp every leper, everyone who has a discharge, and whoever becomes defiled by a corpse.

Numbers 9:1

Passover Regulations

9:1 The Lord spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the first month of the second year after they had come out of the land of Egypt:

Psalms 10:14

10:14 You have taken notice,

for you always see one who inflicts pain and suffering.

The unfortunate victim entrusts his cause to you;

you deliver the fatherless.

Proverbs 1:31

1:31 Therefore they will eat from the fruit of their way,

and they will be stuffed full of their own counsel.

Isaiah 3:11

3:11 Too bad for the wicked sinners!

For they will get exactly what they deserve.

Jeremiah 28:16-17

28:16 So the Lord says, ‘I will most assuredly remove you from the face of the earth. You will die this very year because you have counseled rebellion against the Lord.’”

28:17 In the seventh month of that very same year the prophet Hananiah died.

Jeremiah 51:56

51:56 For a destroyer is attacking Babylon.

Her warriors will be captured;

their bows will be broken.

For the Lord is a God who punishes;

he pays back in full.

Romans 2:9

2:9 There will be affliction and distress on everyone who does evil, on the Jew first and also the Greek,