Philippians 3:5
3:5 I was circumcised on the eighth day, from the people of Israel and the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews. I lived according to the law as a Pharisee.
Philippians 3:9
3:9 and be found in him, not because I have my own righteousness derived from the law, but because I have the righteousness that comes by way of Christ’s faithfulness – a righteousness from God that is in fact based on Christ’s faithfulness.
Philippians 1:16
1:16 The latter do so from love because they know that I am placed here for the defense of the gospel.
Philippians 3:11
3:11 and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.
Philippians 4:22
4:22 All the saints greet you, especially those who belong to Caesar’s household.
Philippians 1:17
1:17 The former proclaim Christ from selfish ambition, not sincerely, because they think they can cause trouble for me in my imprisonment.
Philippians 3:20
3:20 But our citizenship is in heaven – and we also await a savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,
Philippians 1:23
1:23 I feel torn between the two, because I have a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far,