1:1 The Proverbs
1:1 The Proverbs
16:1 The intentions of the heart
but the answer of the tongue
16:2 All a person’s ways
but the Lord evaluates
16:3 Commit
and your plans will be established.
16:4 The Lord works
even the wicked for the day of disaster.
16:5 The Lord abhors
rest assured
16:6 Through loyal love and truth
through fearing the Lord
16:7 When a person’s
16:8 Better to have a little with righteousness
than to have abundant income without justice.
16:9 A person
but the Lord directs
16:10 The divine verdict
his pronouncements
16:11 Honest scales and balances
all the weights
16:12 Doing wickedness
because a throne
16:13 The delight of kings
and they love the one who speaks
16:14 A king’s wrath
but a wise person appeases it.
16:15 In the light of the king’s face
and his favor is like the clouds
16:16 How much better it is to acquire
to acquire understanding is more desirable
16:17 The highway
the one who guards
16:18 Pride
and a haughty spirit before a fall.
16:19 It is better to be lowly in spirit
than to share the spoils
16:20 The one who deals wisely
and blessed
16:21 The one who is wise in heart
and kind speech
16:22 Insight
but folly leads to the discipline of fools.
16:23 A wise person’s heart
and it adds persuasiveness
16:24 Pleasant words are like
sweet to the soul and healing
16:25 There is a way that seems right to a person,
but its end is the way that leads to death.
16:26 A laborer’s
for his hunger
16:27 A wicked scoundrel
and his slander
16:28 A perverse person
and a gossip separates the closest friends.
16:29 A violent person
and leads him down a path that is terrible.
16:30 The one who winks his eyes
16:31 Gray hair is like
it is attained
16:32 Better to be slow to anger
and one who controls his temper
16:33 The dice are thrown into the lap,
but their every decision