Proverbs 17:8

17:8 A bribe works like a charm for the one who offers it;

in whatever he does he succeeds.

Proverbs 17:23

17:23 A wicked person receives a bribe secretly

to pervert the ways of justice.

Proverbs 18:16

18:16 A person’s gift makes room for him,

and leads him before important people.

Proverbs 19:6

19:6 Many people entreat the favor of a generous person,

and everyone is the friend of the person who gives gifts.

Genesis 32:20

32:20 You must also say, ‘In fact your servant Jacob is behind us.’” Jacob thought, “I will first appease him by sending a gift ahead of me. After that I will meet him. Perhaps he will accept me.”

Genesis 43:11

43:11 Then their father Israel said to them, “If it must be so, then do this: Take some of the best products of the land in your bags, and take a gift down to the man – a little balm and a little honey, spices and myrrh, pistachios and almonds.

Genesis 43:1

The Second Journey to Egypt

43:1 Now the famine was severe in the land.

Genesis 25:1

The Death of Abraham

25:1 Abraham had taken another wife, named Keturah.