Proverbs 2:10-18

2:10 For wisdom will enter your heart,

and moral knowledge will be attractive to you.

2:11 Discretion will protect you,

understanding will guard you,

2:12 to deliver you from the way of the wicked,

from those speaking perversity,

2:13 who leave the upright paths

to walk on the dark ways,

2:14 who delight in doing evil,

they rejoice in perverse evil;

2:15 whose paths are morally crooked,

and who are devious in their ways;

2:16 to deliver you from the adulteress,

from the sexually loose woman who speaks flattering words;

2:17 who leaves the husband from her younger days,

and forgets her marriage covenant made before God.

2:18 For her house sinks down to death,

and her paths lead to the place of the departed spirits.

Proverbs 22:5

22:5 Thorns and snares are in the path of the perverse,

but the one who guards himself keeps far from them.

Psalms 18:5

18:5 The ropes of Sheol tightened around me,

the snares of death trapped me.

Ecclesiastes 7:26

7:26 I discovered this:

More bitter than death is the kind of woman who is like a hunter’s snare;

her heart is like a hunter’s net and her hands are like prison chains.

The man who pleases God escapes her,

but the sinner is captured by her.