Proverbs 21:15
21:15 Doing justice brings joy to the righteous
and terror to those who do evil.
Job 31:3
31:3 Is it not misfortune for the unjust,
and disaster for those who work iniquity?
Psalms 1:6
1:6 Certainly the Lord guards the way of the godly,
but the way of the wicked ends in destruction.
Psalms 36:12
36:12 I can see the evildoers! They have fallen!
They have been knocked down and are unable to get up!
Psalms 37:20
37:20 But evil men will die;
the Lord’s enemies will be incinerated –
they will go up in smoke.
Psalms 92:7
92:7 When the wicked sprout up like grass,
and all the evildoers glisten,
it is so that they may be annihilated.
Matthew 7:22-23
7:22 On that day, many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons and do
many powerful deeds?’
7:23 Then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you. Go away from me, you lawbreakers!’
Luke 13:26-27
13:26 Then you will begin to say, ‘We ate and drank in your presence, and you taught in our streets.’
13:27 But
he will reply,
‘I don’t know where you come from!
Go away from me, all you evildoers!’
Romans 2:8-9
2:8 but
wrath and anger to those who live in selfish ambition
and do not obey the truth but follow
2:9 There will be
affliction and distress on everyone
who does evil, on the Jew first and also the Greek,