Proverbs 29:19-26

29:19 A servant cannot be corrected by words,

for although he understands, there is no answer.

29:20 Do you see someone who is hasty in his words?

There is more hope for a fool than for him.

29:21 If someone pampers his servant from youth,

he will be a weakling in the end.

29:22 An angry person stirs up dissension,

and a wrathful person is abounding in transgression.

29:23 A person’s pride will bring him low,

but one who has a lowly spirit will gain honor.

29:24 Whoever shares with a thief is his own enemy;

he hears the oath to testify, but does not talk.

29:25 The fear of people becomes a snare,

but whoever trusts in the Lord will be set on high.

29:26 Many people seek the face of a ruler,

but it is from the Lord that one receives justice.