Proverbs 3:15-18

3:15 She is more precious than rubies,

and none of the things you desire can compare with her.

3:16 Long life is in her right hand;

in her left hand are riches and honor.

3:17 Her ways are very pleasant,

and all her paths are peaceful.

3:18 She is like a tree of life to those who obtain her,

and everyone who grasps hold of her will be blessed.

Proverbs 4:7

4:7 Wisdom is supreme – so acquire wisdom,

and whatever you acquire, acquire understanding!

Proverbs 8:10-11

8:10 Receive my instruction rather than silver,

and knowledge rather than choice gold.

8:11 For wisdom is better than rubies,

and desirable things cannot be compared to her.

Proverbs 8:19

8:19 My fruit is better than the purest gold,

and what I produce is better than choice silver.

Job 28:13-28

28:13 Mankind does not know its place;

it cannot be found in the land of the living.

28:14 The deep says, ‘It is not with me.’

And the sea says, ‘It is not with me.’

28:15 Fine gold cannot be given in exchange for it,

nor can its price be weighed out in silver.

28:16 It cannot be measured out for purchase with the gold of Ophir,

with precious onyx or sapphires.

28:17 Neither gold nor crystal can be compared with it,

nor can a vase of gold match its worth.

28:18 Of coral and jasper no mention will be made;

the price of wisdom is more than pearls.

28:19 The topaz of Cush cannot be compared with it;

it cannot be purchased with pure gold.

God Alone Has Wisdom

28:20 “But wisdom – where does it come from?

Where is the place of understanding?

28:21 For it has been hidden

from the eyes of every living creature,

and from the birds of the sky it has been concealed.

28:22 Destruction and Death say,

‘With our ears we have heard a rumor about where it can be found.’

28:23 God understands the way to it,

and he alone knows its place.

28:24 For he looks to the ends of the earth

and observes everything under the heavens.

28:25 When he made the force of the wind

and measured the waters with a gauge.

28:26 When he imposed a limit for the rain,

and a path for the thunderstorm,

28:27 then he looked at wisdom and assessed its value;

he established it and examined it closely.

28:28 And he said to mankind,

‘The fear of the Lord – that is wisdom,

and to turn away from evil is understanding.’”

Psalms 119:127

119:127 For this reason I love your commands

more than gold, even purest gold.

Ecclesiastes 7:12

7:12 For wisdom provides protection,

just as money provides protection.

But the advantage of knowledge is this:

Wisdom preserves the life of its owner.

Matthew 16:26

16:26 For what does it benefit a person if he gains the whole world but forfeits his life? Or what can a person give in exchange for his life?

Luke 12:21

12:21 So it is with the one who stores up riches for himself, but is not rich toward God.”