Proverbs 30:13

30:13 There is a generation whose eyes are so lofty,

and whose eyelids are lifted up disdainfully.

Psalms 10:4

10:4 The wicked man is so arrogant he always thinks,

“God won’t hold me accountable; he doesn’t care.”

Psalms 18:27

18:27 For you deliver oppressed people,

but you bring down those who have a proud look.

Psalms 73:6-8

73:6 Arrogance is their necklace,

and violence their clothing.

73:7 Their prosperity causes them to do wrong;

their thoughts are sinful.

73:8 They mock and say evil things;

they proudly threaten violence.

Psalms 101:5

101:5 I will destroy anyone who slanders his neighbor in secret.

I will not tolerate anyone who has a cocky demeanor and an arrogant attitude.

Psalms 131:1

Psalm 131

A song of ascents, by David.

131:1 O Lord, my heart is not proud,

nor do I have a haughty look.

I do not have great aspirations,

or concern myself with things that are beyond me.

Isaiah 2:11

2:11 Proud men will be brought low,

arrogant men will be humiliated;

the Lord alone will be exalted

in that day.

Isaiah 3:9

3:9 The look on their faces testifies to their guilt;

like the people of Sodom they openly boast of their sin.

Too bad for them!

For they bring disaster on themselves.

Isaiah 3:16

Washing Away Impurity

3:16 The Lord says,

“The women of Zion are proud.

They walk with their heads high

and flirt with their eyes.

They skip along

and the jewelry on their ankles jingles.

Isaiah 3:1

A Coming Leadership Crisis

3:1 Look, the sovereign Lord who commands armies

is about to remove from Jerusalem and Judah

every source of security, including

all the food and water,

Isaiah 5:5

5:5 Now I will inform you

what I am about to do to my vineyard:

I will remove its hedge and turn it into pasture,

I will break its wall and allow animals to graze there.