6:17 haughty eyes,
and hands that shed innocent blood,
8:13 The fear of the Lord is to hate
I hate arrogant pride
and perverse utterances.
30:13 There is a generation whose eyes are so lofty,
and whose eyelids are lifted up disdainfully.
10:4 The wicked man is so arrogant he always thinks,
“God won’t hold me accountable; he doesn’t care.”
2:11 Proud men will be brought low,
arrogant men will be humiliated;
the Lord alone will be exalted
in that day.
2:17 Proud men will be humiliated,
arrogant men will be brought low;
the Lord alone will be exalted
in that day.
3:16 The Lord says,
“The women
They walk with their heads high
and flirt with their eyes.
They skip along
and the jewelry on their ankles jingles.
18:1 Then