Psalms 103:1-2

Psalm 103

By David.

103:1 Praise the Lord, O my soul!

With all that is within me, praise his holy name!

103:2 Praise the Lord, O my soul!

Do not forget all his kind deeds!

Psalms 107:20-22

107:20 He sent them an assuring word and healed them;

he rescued them from the pits where they were trapped.

107:21 Let them give thanks to the Lord for his loyal love,

and for the amazing things he has done for people!

107:22 Let them present thank offerings,

and loudly proclaim what he has done!

Luke 17:15-18

17:15 Then one of them, when he saw he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice. 17:16 He fell with his face to the ground at Jesus’ feet and thanked him. (Now he was a Samaritan.) 17:17 Then Jesus said, “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 17:18 Was no one found to turn back and give praise to God except this foreigner?”

Luke 18:43

18:43 And immediately he regained his sight and followed Jesus, praising God. When all the people saw it, they too gave praise to God.