Psalms 109:4

109:4 They repay my love with accusations,

but I continue to pray.

Psalms 142:2

142:2 I pour out my lament before him;

I tell him about my troubles.

Hosea 12:4-5

12:4 He struggled with an angel and prevailed;

he wept and begged for his favor.

He found God at Bethel,

and there he spoke with him!

12:5 As for the Lord God Almighty,

the Lord is the name by which he is remembered!

Luke 6:11-12

6:11 But they were filled with mindless rage and began debating with one another what they would do to Jesus.

Choosing the Twelve Apostles

6:12 Now it was during this time that Jesus went out to the mountain to pray, and he spent all night in prayer to God.

Hebrews 5:7

5:7 During his earthly life Christ offered both requests and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to the one who was able to save him from death and he was heard because of his devotion.