Psalms 120:5

120:5 How miserable I am!

For I have lived temporarily in Meshech;

I have resided among the tents of Kedar.

Isaiah 6:5

6:5 I said, “Too bad for me! I am destroyed, for my lips are contaminated by sin, and I live among people whose lips are contaminated by sin. My eyes have seen the king, the Lord who commands armies.”

Isaiah 24:16

24:16 From the ends of the earth we hear songs –

the Just One is majestic.

But I say, “I’m wasting away! I’m wasting away! I’m doomed!

Deceivers deceive, deceivers thoroughly deceive!”

Jeremiah 4:31

4:31 In fact, I hear a cry like that of a woman in labor,

a cry of anguish like that of a woman giving birth to her first baby.

It is the cry of Daughter Zion gasping for breath,

reaching out for help, saying, “I am done in!

My life is ebbing away before these murderers!”

Jeremiah 15:10

Jeremiah Complains about His Lot and The Lord Responds

15:10 I said,

“Oh, mother, how I regret that you ever gave birth to me!

I am always starting arguments and quarrels with the people of this land.

I have not lent money to anyone and I have not borrowed from anyone.

Yet all of these people are treating me with contempt.”

Jeremiah 45:3

45:3 ‘You have said, “I feel so hopeless! For the Lord has added sorrow to my suffering. I am worn out from groaning. I can’t find any rest.”’”