Psalms 22:23

22:23 You loyal followers of the Lord, praise him!

All you descendants of Jacob, honor him!

All you descendants of Israel, stand in awe of him!

Psalms 86:9

86:9 All the nations, whom you created,

will come and worship you, O Lord.

They will honor your name.

Isaiah 24:15

24:15 So in the east extol the Lord,

along the seacoasts extol the fame of the Lord God of Israel.

Isaiah 25:3

25:3 So a strong nation will extol you;

the towns of powerful nations will fear you.

Romans 15:9

15:9 and thus the Gentiles glorify God for his mercy. As it is written, “Because of this I will confess you among the Gentiles, and I will sing praises to your name.”

Romans 15:2

15:2 Let each of us please his neighbor for his good to build him up.

Romans 1:10-12

1:10 and I always ask in my prayers, if perhaps now at last I may succeed in visiting you according to the will of God. 1:11 For I long to see you, so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you, 1:12 that is, that we may be mutually comforted by one another’s faith, both yours and mine.