Psalms 22:4

22:4 In you our ancestors trusted;

they trusted in you and you rescued them.

Jeremiah 4:19

4:19 I said,

“Oh, the feeling in the pit of my stomach!

I writhe in anguish.

Oh, the pain in my heart!

My heart pounds within me.

I cannot keep silent.

For I hear the sound of the trumpet;

the sound of the battle cry pierces my soul!

Jeremiah 31:20

31:20 Indeed, the people of Israel are my dear children.

They are the children I take delight in.

For even though I must often rebuke them,

I still remember them with fondness.

So I am deeply moved with pity for them

and will surely have compassion on them.

I, the Lord, affirm it!

Lamentations 1:20

ר (Resh)

1:20 Look, O Lord! I am distressed;

my stomach is in knots!

My heart is pounding inside me.

Yes, I was terribly rebellious!

Out in the street the sword bereaves a mother of her children;

Inside the house death is present.

Lamentations 2:11

כ (Kaf)

2:11 My eyes are worn out from weeping;

my stomach is in knots.

My heart is poured out on the ground

due to the destruction of my helpless people;

children and infants faint

in the town squares.