Psalms 22:6-7

22:6 But I am a worm, not a man;

people insult me and despise me.

22:7 All who see me taunt me;

they mock me and shake their heads.

Psalms 22:17

22:17 I can count all my bones;

my enemies are gloating over me in triumph.

Psalms 31:11-13

31:11 Because of all my enemies, people disdain me;

my neighbors are appalled by my suffering

those who know me are horrified by my condition;

those who see me in the street run away from me.

31:12 I am forgotten, like a dead man no one thinks about;

I am regarded as worthless, like a broken jar.

31:13 For I hear what so many are saying,

the terrifying news that comes from every direction.

When they plot together against me,

they figure out how they can take my life.

Psalms 35:15-21

35:15 But when I stumbled, they rejoiced and gathered together;

they gathered together to ambush me.

They tore at me without stopping to rest.

35:16 When I tripped, they taunted me relentlessly,

and tried to bite me.

35:17 O Lord, how long are you going to just stand there and watch this?

Rescue me from their destructive attacks;

guard my life from the young lions!

35:18 Then I will give you thanks in the great assembly;

I will praise you before a large crowd of people!

35:19 Do not let those who are my enemies for no reason gloat over me!

Do not let those who hate me without cause carry out their wicked schemes!

35:20 For they do not try to make peace with others,

but plan ways to deceive those who are unsuspecting.

35:21 They are ready to devour me;

they say, “Aha! Aha! We’ve got you!”

Psalms 69:7-12

69:7 For I suffer humiliation for your sake

and am thoroughly disgraced.

69:8 My own brothers treat me like a stranger;

they act as if I were a foreigner.

69:9 Certainly zeal for your house consumes me;

I endure the insults of those who insult you.

69:10 I weep and refrain from eating food,

which causes others to insult me.

69:11 I wear sackcloth

and they ridicule me.

69:12 Those who sit at the city gate gossip about me;

drunkards mock me in their songs.

Psalms 69:20

69:20 Their insults are painful and make me lose heart;

I look for sympathy, but receive none,

for comforters, but find none.

Psalms 109:2

109:2 For they say cruel and deceptive things to me;

they lie to me.

Psalms 109:25

109:25 I am disdained by them.

When they see me, they shake their heads.

Lamentations 1:12

ל (Lamed)

1:12 Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by on the road?

Look and see!

Is there any pain like mine?

The Lord has afflicted me,

he has inflicted it on me

when he burned with anger.

Lamentations 2:15-17

ס (Samek)

2:15 All who passed by on the road

clapped their hands to mock you.

They sneered and shook their heads

at Daughter Jerusalem.

“Ha! Is this the city they called

‘The perfection of beauty,

the source of joy of the whole earth!’?”

פ (Pe)

2:16 All your enemies

gloated over you.

They sneered and gnashed their teeth;

they said, “We have destroyed her!

Ha! We have waited a long time for this day.

We have lived to see it!”

ע (Ayin)

2:17 The Lord has done what he planned;

he has fulfilled his promise

that he threatened long ago:

He has overthrown you without mercy

and has enabled the enemy to gloat over you;

he has exalted your adversaries’ power.

Mark 15:29-30

15:29 Those who passed by defamed him, shaking their heads and saying, “Aha! You who can destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, 15:30 save yourself and come down from the cross!”

Luke 23:35-39

23:35 The people also stood there watching, but the rulers ridiculed him, saying, “He saved others. Let him save himself if he is the Christ of God, his chosen one!” 23:36 The soldiers also mocked him, coming up and offering him sour wine, 23:37 and saying, “If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself!” 23:38 There was also an inscription over him, “This is the king of the Jews.”

23:39 One of the criminals who was hanging there railed at him, saying, “Aren’t you the Christ? Save yourself and us!”

Luke 23:1

Jesus Brought Before Pilate

23:1 Then the whole group of them rose up and brought Jesus before Pilate.

Luke 2:22-24

Jesus’ Presentation at the Temple

2:22 Now when the time came for their purification according to the law of Moses, Joseph and Mary brought Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord 2:23 (just as it is written in the law of the Lord, “Every firstborn male will be set apart to the Lord), 2:24 and to offer a sacrifice according to what is specified in the law of the Lord, a pair of doves or two young pigeons.