Psalms 24:7-10

24:7 Look up, you gates!

Rise up, you eternal doors!

Then the majestic king will enter!

24:8 Who is this majestic king?

The Lord who is strong and mighty!

The Lord who is mighty in battle!

24:9 Look up, you gates!

Rise up, you eternal doors!

Then the majestic king will enter!

24:10 Who is this majestic king?

The Lord who commands armies!

He is the majestic king! (Selah)

The Song of Songs 3:6

The Royal Wedding Procession

The Speaker:

3:6 Who is this coming up from the desert

like a column of smoke,

like a fragrant billow of myrrh and frankincense,

every kind of fragrant powder of the traveling merchants?

The Song of Songs 6:10

6:10 “Who is this who appears like the dawn?

Beautiful as the moon, bright as the sun,

awe-inspiring as the stars in procession?”

The Song of Songs 8:5

The Awakening of Love

The Maidens about His Beloved:

8:5 Who is this coming up from the desert,

leaning on her beloved?

The Beloved to Her Lover:

Under the apple tree I aroused you;

there your mother conceived you,

there she who bore you was in labor of childbirth.

Matthew 21:10

21:10 As he entered Jerusalem the whole city was thrown into an uproar, saying, “Who is this?”