Psalms 45:14

45:14 In embroidered robes she is escorted to the king.

Her attendants, the maidens of honor who follow her,

are led before you.

The Song of Songs 1:3

1:3 The fragrance of your colognes is delightful;

your name is like the finest perfume.

No wonder the young women adore you!

The Song of Songs 5:8

The Triumph of Love: The Beloved Praises Her Lover

The Beloved to the Maidens:

5:8 O maidens of Jerusalem, I command you –

If you find my beloved, what will you tell him?

Tell him that I am lovesick!

The Song of Songs 5:16--6:1

5:16 His mouth is very sweet;

he is totally desirable.

This is my beloved!

This is my companion, O maidens of Jerusalem!

The Lost Lover Found

The Maidens to the Beloved:

6:1 Where has your beloved gone,

O most beautiful among women?

Where has your beloved turned?

Tell us, that we may seek him with you.

The Song of Songs 6:8-9

6:8 There may be sixty queens,

and eighty concubines,

and young women without number.

6:9 But she is unique!

My dove, my perfect one!

She is the special daughter of her mother,

she is the favorite of the one who bore her.

The maidens saw her and complimented her;

the queens and concubines praised her:

The Song of Songs 6:1

The Lost Lover Found

The Maidens to the Beloved:

6:1 Where has your beloved gone,

O most beautiful among women?

Where has your beloved turned?

Tell us, that we may seek him with you.

Colossians 1:2

1:2 to the saints, the faithful brothers and sisters in Christ, at Colossae. Grace and peace to you from God our Father!

Revelation 14:4

14:4 These are the ones who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are virgins. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. These were redeemed from humanity as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb,