Psalms 6:6-7

6:6 I am exhausted as I groan;

all night long I drench my bed in tears;

my tears saturate the cushion beneath me.

6:7 My eyes grow dim from suffering;

they grow weak because of all my enemies.

Psalms 31:9

31:9 Have mercy on me, for I am in distress!

My eyes grow dim from suffering.

I have lost my strength.

Psalms 32:3

32:3 When I refused to confess my sin,

my whole body wasted away,

while I groaned in pain all day long.

Psalms 69:3

69:3 I am exhausted from shouting for help;

my throat is sore;

my eyes grow tired of looking for my God.

Psalms 102:3-5

102:3 For my days go up in smoke,

and my bones are charred like a fireplace.

102:4 My heart is parched and withered like grass,

for I am unable to eat food.

102:5 Because of the anxiety that makes me groan,

my bones protrude from my skin.

Psalms 102:9

102:9 For I eat ashes as if they were bread,

and mix my drink with my tears,

Isaiah 52:14

52:14 (just as many were horrified by the sight of you)

he was so disfigured he no longer looked like a man;

Lamentations 1:16

ע (Ayin)

1:16 I weep because of these things;

my eyes flow with tears.

For there is no one in sight who can comfort me

or encourage me.

My children are desolated

because an enemy has prevailed.