Psalms 7:16

7:16 He becomes the victim of his own destructive plans

and the violence he intended for others falls on his own head.

Psalms 109:17-18

109:17 He loved to curse others, so those curses have come upon him.

He had no desire to bless anyone, so he has experienced no blessings.

109:18 He made cursing a way of life,

so curses poured into his stomach like water

and seeped into his bones like oil.

Psalms 140:9

140:9 As for the heads of those who surround me –

may the harm done by their lips overwhelm them!

Psalms 141:10

141:10 Let the wicked fall into their own nets,

while I escape.

Matthew 21:44

21:44 The one who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, and the one on whom it falls will be crushed.”