Psalms 72:4-20

72:4 He will defend the oppressed among the people;

he will deliver the children of the poor

and crush the oppressor.

72:5 People will fear you as long as the sun and moon remain in the sky,

for generation after generation.

72:6 He will descend like rain on the mown grass,

like showers that drench the earth.

72:7 During his days the godly will flourish;

peace will prevail as long as the moon remains in the sky.

72:8 May he rule from sea to sea,

and from the Euphrates River to the ends of the earth!

72:9 Before him the coastlands will bow down,

and his enemies will lick the dust.

72:10 The kings of Tarshish and the coastlands will offer gifts;

the kings of Sheba and Seba will bring tribute.

72:11 All kings will bow down to him;

all nations will serve him.

72:12 For he will rescue the needy when they cry out for help,

and the oppressed who have no defender.

72:13 He will take pity on the poor and needy;

the lives of the needy he will save.

72:14 From harm and violence he will defend them;

he will value their lives.

72:15 May he live! May they offer him gold from Sheba!

May they continually pray for him!

May they pronounce blessings on him all day long!

72:16 May there be an abundance of grain in the earth;

on the tops of the mountains may it sway!

May its fruit trees flourish like the forests of Lebanon!

May its crops be as abundant as the grass of the earth!

72:17 May his fame endure!

May his dynasty last as long as the sun remains in the sky!

May they use his name when they formulate their blessings!

May all nations consider him to be favored by God!

72:18 The Lord God, the God of Israel, deserves praise!

He alone accomplishes amazing things!

72:19 His glorious name deserves praise forevermore!

May his majestic splendor fill the whole earth!

We agree! We agree!

72:20 This collection of the prayers of David son of Jesse ends here.

Psalms 74:3-8

74:3 Hurry and look at the permanent ruins,

and all the damage the enemy has done to the temple!

74:4 Your enemies roar in the middle of your sanctuary;

they set up their battle flags.

74:5 They invade like lumberjacks

swinging their axes in a thick forest.

74:6 And now they are tearing down all its engravings

with axes and crowbars.

74:7 They set your sanctuary on fire;

they desecrate your dwelling place by knocking it to the ground.

74:8 They say to themselves,

“We will oppress all of them.”

They burn down all the places where people worship God in the land.

Ezekiel 7:21-22

7:21 I will give it to foreigners as loot, to the world’s wicked ones as plunder, and they will desecrate it. 7:22 I will turn my face away from them and they will desecrate my treasured place. Vandals will enter it and desecrate it.