Psalms 10:14

10:14 You have taken notice,

for you always see one who inflicts pain and suffering.

The unfortunate victim entrusts his cause to you;

you deliver the fatherless.

Psalms 11:2

11:2 For look, the wicked prepare their bows,

they put their arrows on the strings,

to shoot in the darkness at the morally upright.

Psalms 36:4

36:4 He plans ways to sin while he lies in bed;

he is committed to a sinful lifestyle;

he does not reject what is evil.

Psalms 52:2

52:2 Your tongue carries out your destructive plans;

it is as effective as a sharp razor, O deceiver.

Psalms 55:9-11

55:9 Confuse them, O Lord!

Frustrate their plans!

For I see violence and conflict in the city.

55:10 Day and night they walk around on its walls,

while wickedness and destruction are within it.

55:11 Disaster is within it;

violence and deceit do not depart from its public square.

Proverbs 1:16

1:16 for they are eager to inflict harm,

and they hasten to shed blood.

Proverbs 4:16

4:16 For they cannot sleep unless they cause harm;

they are robbed of sleep until they make someone stumble.

Micah 2:1-3

Land Robbers Will Lose their Land

2:1 Those who devise sinful plans are as good as dead,

those who dream about doing evil as they lie in bed.

As soon as morning dawns they carry out their plans,

because they have the power to do so.

2:2 They confiscate the fields they desire,

and seize the houses they want.

They defraud people of their homes,

and deprive people of the land they have inherited.

2:3 Therefore the Lord says this: “Look, I am devising disaster for this nation!

It will be like a yoke from which you cannot free your neck.

You will no longer walk proudly,

for it will be a time of catastrophe.

Matthew 26:3-4

26:3 Then the chief priests and the elders of the people met together in the palace of the high priest, who was named Caiaphas. 26:4 They planned to arrest Jesus by stealth and kill him.

Acts 23:12

The Plot to Kill Paul

23:12 When morning came, the Jews formed a conspiracy and bound themselves with an oath not to eat or drink anything until they had killed Paul.