Psalms 10:5

10:5 He is secure at all times.

He has no regard for your commands;

he disdains all his enemies.

Psalms 92:4-6

92:4 For you, O Lord, have made me happy by your work.

I will sing for joy because of what you have done.

92:5 How great are your works, O Lord!

Your plans are very intricate!

92:6 The spiritually insensitive do not recognize this;

the fool does not understand this.

Psalms 104:24

104:24 How many living things you have made, O Lord!

You have exhibited great skill in making all of them;

the earth is full of the living things you have made.

Psalms 111:2-4

111:2 The Lord’s deeds are great,

eagerly awaited by all who desire them.

111:3 His work is majestic and glorious,

and his faithfulness endures forever.

111:4 He does amazing things that will be remembered;

the Lord is merciful and compassionate.

Job 34:26-27

34:26 He strikes them for their wickedness,

in a place where people can see,

34:27 because they have turned away from following him,

and have not understood any of his ways,

Isaiah 5:12

5:12 They have stringed instruments, tambourines, flutes,

and wine at their parties.

So they do not recognize what the Lord is doing,

they do not perceive what he is bringing about.

Isaiah 22:11

22:11 You made a reservoir between the two walls

for the water of the old pool –

but you did not trust in the one who made it;

you did not depend on the one who formed it long ago!

Isaiah 26:9-11

26:9 I look for you during the night,

my spirit within me seeks you at dawn,

for when your judgments come upon the earth,

those who live in the world learn about justice.

26:10 If the wicked are shown mercy,

they do not learn about justice.

Even in a land where right is rewarded, they act unjustly;

they do not see the Lord’s majesty revealed.

26:11 O Lord, you are ready to act,

but they don’t even notice.

They will see and be put to shame by your angry judgment against humankind,

yes, fire will consume your enemies.

Hosea 14:9

Concluding Exhortation

14:9 Who is wise?

Let him discern these things!

Who is discerning?

Let him understand them!

For the ways of the Lord are right;

the godly walk in them,

but in them the rebellious stumble.

John 12:37

The Outcome of Jesus’ Public Ministry Foretold

12:37 Although Jesus had performed so many miraculous signs before them, they still refused to believe in him,

Romans 1:20

1:20 For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, because they are understood through what has been made. So people are without excuse.

Romans 1:28

1:28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what should not be done.