Psalms 103:17

103:17 But the Lord continually shows loyal love to his faithful followers,

and is faithful to their descendants,

Psalms 119:142

119:142 Your justice endures,

and your law is reliable.

Psalms 119:144

119:144 Your rules remain just.

Give me insight so that I can live.

Isaiah 51:5-6

51:5 I am ready to vindicate,

I am ready to deliver,

I will establish justice among the nations.

The coastlands wait patiently for me;

they wait in anticipation for the revelation of my power.

51:6 Look up at the sky!

Look at the earth below!

For the sky will dissipate like smoke,

and the earth will wear out like clothes;

its residents will die like gnats.

But the deliverance I give is permanent;

the vindication I provide will not disappear.

Isaiah 51:8

51:8 For a moth will eat away at them like clothes;

a clothes moth will devour them like wool.

But the vindication I provide will be permanent;

the deliverance I give will last.”

Daniel 9:24

9:24 “Seventy weeks have been determined

concerning your people and your holy city

to put an end to rebellion,

to bring sin to completion,

to atone for iniquity,

to bring in perpetual righteousness,

to seal up the prophetic vision,

and to anoint a most holy place.