Psalms 104:24

104:24 How many living things you have made, O Lord!

You have exhibited great skill in making all of them;

the earth is full of the living things you have made.

Psalms 119:64

119:64 O Lord, your loyal love fills the earth.

Teach me your statutes!

Psalms 145:15-16

145:15 Everything looks to you in anticipation,

and you provide them with food on a regular basis.

145:16 You open your hand,

and fill every living thing with the food they desire.

Matthew 5:45

5:45 so that you may be like your Father in heaven, since he causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

Acts 14:17

14:17 yet he did not leave himself without a witness by doing good, by giving you rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying you with food and your hearts with joy.”