Psalms 105:35-45

105:35 They ate all the vegetation in their land,

and devoured the crops of their fields.

105:36 He struck down all the firstborn in their land,

the firstfruits of their reproductive power.

105:37 He brought his people out enriched with silver and gold;

none of his tribes stumbled.

105:38 Egypt was happy when they left,

for they were afraid of them.

105:39 He spread out a cloud for a cover,

and provided a fire to light up the night.

105:40 They asked for food, and he sent quails;

he satisfied them with food from the sky.

105:41 He opened up a rock and water flowed out;

a river ran through dry regions.

105:42 Yes, he remembered the sacred promise

he made to Abraham his servant.

105:43 When he led his people out, they rejoiced;

his chosen ones shouted with joy.

105:44 He handed the territory of nations over to them,

and they took possession of what other peoples had produced,

105:45 so that they might keep his commands

and obey his laws.

Praise the Lord!