Psalms 11:6

11:6 May the Lord rain down burning coals and brimstone on the wicked!

A whirlwind is what they deserve!

Psalms 140:9

140:9 As for the heads of those who surround me –

may the harm done by their lips overwhelm them!

Proverbs 6:2

6:2 if you have been ensnared by the words you have uttered,

and have been caught by the words you have spoken,

Proverbs 12:13

12:13 The evil person is ensnared by the transgression of his speech,

but the righteous person escapes out of trouble.

Isaiah 8:15

8:15 Many will stumble over the stone and the rock,

and will fall and be seriously injured,

and will be ensnared and captured.”

Isaiah 28:13

28:13 So the Lord’s word to them will sound like

meaningless gibberish,

senseless babbling,

a syllable here, a syllable there.

As a result, they will fall on their backsides when they try to walk,

and be injured, ensnared, and captured.