Psalms 111:9

111:9 He delivered his people;

he ordained that his covenant be observed forever.

His name is holy and awesome.

Psalms 145:17

145:17 The Lord is just in all his actions,

and exhibits love in all he does.

Joshua 24:19

24:19 Joshua warned the people, “You will not keep worshiping the Lord, for he is a holy God. He is a jealous God who will not forgive your rebellion or your sins.

Joshua 24:1

Israel Renews its Commitment to the Lord

24:1 Joshua assembled all the Israelite tribes at Shechem. He summoned Israel’s elders, rulers, judges, and leaders, and they appeared before God.

Joshua 2:2

2:2 The king of Jericho received this report: “Note well! Israelite men have come here tonight to spy on the land.”

Isaiah 6:3

6:3 They called out to one another, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord who commands armies! His majestic splendor fills the entire earth!”

John 17:11

17:11 I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep them safe in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one just as we are one.

Revelation 4:8

4:8 Each one of the four living creatures had six wings and was full of eyes all around and inside. They never rest day or night, saying:

Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God, the All-Powerful,

Who was and who is, and who is still to come!”

Revelation 15:3-4

15:3 They sang the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the Lamb:

“Great and astounding are your deeds,

Lord God, the All-Powerful!

Just and true are your ways,

King over the nations!

15:4 Who will not fear you, O Lord,

and glorify your name, because you alone are holy?

All nations will come and worship before you

for your righteous acts have been revealed.”