Psalms 119:116-117

119:116 Sustain me as you promised, so that I will live.

Do not disappoint me!

119:117 Support me, so that I will be delivered.

Then I will focus on your statutes continually.

Psalms 119:176

119:176 I have wandered off like a lost sheep.

Come looking for your servant,

for I do not forget your commands.

Psalms 38:21-22

38:21 Do not abandon me, O Lord!

My God, do not remain far away from me!

38:22 Hurry and help me, O Lord, my deliverer!

Psalms 51:11

51:11 Do not reject me!

Do not take your Holy Spirit away from me!

Philippians 4:13

4:13 I am able to do all things through the one who strengthens me.