Psalms 119:22

119:22 Spare me shame and humiliation,

for I observe your rules.

Psalms 119:31

119:31 I hold fast to your rules.

O Lord, do not let me be ashamed!

Psalms 39:8

39:8 Deliver me from all my sins of rebellion!

Do not make me the object of fools’ insults!

Psalms 57:3

57:3 May he send help from heaven and deliver me

from my enemies who hurl insults! (Selah)

May God send his loyal love and faithfulness!

Psalms 57:2

57:2 I cry out for help to the sovereign God,

to the God who vindicates me.

Psalms 12:1

Psalm 12

For the music director; according to the sheminith style; a psalm of David.

12:1 Deliver, Lord!

For the godly have disappeared;

people of integrity have vanished.

Psalms 12:1

Psalm 12

For the music director; according to the sheminith style; a psalm of David.

12:1 Deliver, Lord!

For the godly have disappeared;

people of integrity have vanished.

Psalms 3:7

3:7 Rise up, Lord!

Deliver me, my God!

Yes, you will strike all my enemies on the jaw;

you will break the teeth of the wicked.

Psalms 5:1

Psalm 5

For the music director, to be accompanied by wind instruments; a psalm of David.

5:1 Listen to what I say, Lord!

Carefully consider my complaint!

Titus 2:8

2:8 and a sound message that cannot be criticized, so that any opponent will be at a loss, because he has nothing evil to say about us.