Psalms 119:32

119:32 I run along the path of your commands,

for you enable me to do so.

Psalms 119:36

119:36 Give me a desire for your rules,

rather than for wealth gained unjustly.

Psalms 119:44-45

119:44 Then I will keep your law continually

now and for all time.

119:45 I will be secure,

for I seek your precepts.

Psalms 119:131

119:131 I open my mouth and pant,

because I long for your commands.

Psalms 119:159

119:159 See how I love your precepts!

O Lord, revive me with your loyal love!

Psalms 119:173

119:173 May your hand help me,

for I choose to obey your precepts.