119:37 Turn my eyes away from what is worthless!
Revive me with your word!
119:40 Look, I long for your precepts.
Revive me with your deliverance!
119:88 Revive me with
that I might keep
119:93 I will never forget your precepts,
for by them you have revived me.
119:107 I am suffering terribly.
O Lord, revive me with your word!
119:149 Listen to me
O Lord, revive me, as you typically do!
119:156 Your compassion is great, O Lord.
Revive me, as you typically do!
119:159 See how I love your precepts!
O Lord, revive me with your loyal love!
71:20 Though you have allowed me to experience much trouble and distress,
revive me once again!
Bring me up once again
80:18 Then we will not turn away from you.
Revive us and we will pray to you!
143:11 O Lord, for the sake of your reputation,
Because of your justice, rescue me from trouble!