Psalms 119:53

119:53 Rage takes hold of me because of the wicked,

those who reject your law.

Psalms 119:158

119:158 I take note of the treacherous and despise them,

because they do not keep your instructions.

Psalms 119:1

Psalm 119

א (Alef)

119:1 How blessed are those whose actions are blameless,

who obey the law of the Lord.

Psalms 15:1

Psalm 15

A psalm of David.

15:1 Lord, who may be a guest in your home?

Who may live on your holy hill?

Jeremiah 9:1

9:1 (8:23) I wish that my head were a well full of water

and my eyes were a fountain full of tears!

If they were, I could cry day and night

for those of my dear people who have been killed.

Jeremiah 9:18

9:18 I said, “Indeed, let them come quickly and sing a song of mourning for us.

Let them wail loudly until tears stream from our own eyes

and our eyelids overflow with water.

Jeremiah 13:17

13:17 But if you will not pay attention to this warning,

I will weep alone because of your arrogant pride.

I will weep bitterly and my eyes will overflow with tears

because you, the Lord’s flock, will be carried into exile.”

Jeremiah 14:17

Lament over Present Destruction and Threat of More to Come

14:17 “Tell these people this, Jeremiah:

‘My eyes overflow with tears

day and night without ceasing.

For my people, my dear children, have suffered a crushing blow.

They have suffered a serious wound.

Ezekiel 9:4

9:4 The Lord said to him, “Go through the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of the people who moan and groan over all the abominations practiced in it.”

Luke 19:41

Jesus Weeps for Jerusalem under Judgment

19:41 Now when Jesus approached and saw the city, he wept over it,

Romans 9:2-3

9:2 I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. 9:3 For I could wish that I myself were accursed – cut off from Christ – for the sake of my people, my fellow countrymen,