Psalms 119:74

119:74 Your loyal followers will be glad when they see me,

for I find hope in your word.

Psalms 119:81

כ (Kaf)

119:81 I desperately long for your deliverance.

I find hope in your word.

Psalms 56:4

56:4 In God – I boast in his promise

in God I trust, I am not afraid.

What can mere men do to me?

Psalms 130:5

130:5 I rely on the Lord,

I rely on him with my whole being;

I wait for his assuring word.

Hebrews 6:17-19

6:17 In the same way God wanted to demonstrate more clearly to the heirs of the promise that his purpose was unchangeable, and so he intervened with an oath, 6:18 so that we who have found refuge in him may find strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us through two unchangeable things, since it is impossible for God to lie. 6:19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, sure and steadfast, which reaches inside behind the curtain,