Psalms 12:6

12:6 The Lord’s words are absolutely reliable.

They are as untainted as silver purified in a furnace on the ground,

where it is thoroughly refined.

Psalms 19:8-10

19:8 The Lord’s precepts are fair

and make one joyful.

The Lord’s commands are pure

and give insight for life.

19:9 The commands to fear the Lord are right

and endure forever.

The judgments given by the Lord are trustworthy

and absolutely just.

19:10 They are of greater value than gold,

than even a great amount of pure gold;

they bring greater delight than honey,

than even the sweetest honey from a honeycomb.

Psalms 119:140

119:140 Your word is absolutely pure,

and your servant loves it!

Proverbs 30:5

30:5 Every word of God is purified;

he is like a shield for those who take refuge in him.