Psalms 141:1-6

Psalm 141

A psalm of David.

141:1 O Lord, I cry out to you. Come quickly to me!

Pay attention to me when I cry out to you!

141:2 May you accept my prayer like incense,

my uplifted hands like the evening offering!

141:3 O Lord, place a guard on my mouth!

Protect the opening of my lips!

141:4 Do not let me have evil desires,

or participate in sinful activities

with men who behave wickedly.

I will not eat their delicacies.

141:5 May the godly strike me in love and correct me!

May my head not refuse choice oil!

Indeed, my prayer is a witness against their evil deeds.

141:6 They will be thrown down the side of a cliff by their judges.

They will listen to my words, for they are pleasant.