Psalms 17:14

17:14 Lord, use your power to deliver me from these murderers,

from the murderers of this world!

They enjoy prosperity;

you overwhelm them with the riches they desire.

They have many children,

and leave their wealth to their offspring.

Job 21:23-24

Death Levels Everything

21:23 “One man dies in his full vigor,

completely secure and prosperous,

21:24 his body well nourished,

and the marrow of his bones moist.

Job 24:20

24:20 The womb forgets him,

the worm feasts on him,

no longer will he be remembered.

Like a tree, wickedness will be broken down.

Ecclesiastes 2:16

2:16 For the wise man, like the fool, will not be remembered for very long,

because in the days to come, both will already have been forgotten.

Alas, the wise man dies – just like the fool!

Ecclesiastes 7:15

Exceptions to the Law of Retribution

7:15 During the days of my fleeting life I have seen both of these things:

Sometimes a righteous person dies prematurely in spite of his righteousness,

and sometimes a wicked person lives long in spite of his evil deeds.

Luke 16:22

16:22 “Now the poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried.