Psalms 18:1

Psalm 18

For the music director; by the Lord’s servant David, who sang to the Lord the words of this song when the Lord rescued him from the power of all his enemies, including Saul.

18:1 He said:

“I love you, Lord, my source of strength!

Psalms 21:1

Psalm 21

For the music director; a psalm of David.

21:1 O Lord, the king rejoices in the strength you give;

he takes great delight in the deliverance you provide.

Psalms 40:13

40:13 Please be willing, O Lord, to rescue me!

O Lord, hurry and help me!

Psalms 40:17

40:17 I am oppressed and needy!

May the Lord pay attention to me!

You are my helper and my deliverer!

O my God, do not delay!

Psalms 69:13-18

69:13 O Lord, may you hear my prayer and be favorably disposed to me!

O God, because of your great loyal love,

answer me with your faithful deliverance!

69:14 Rescue me from the mud! Don’t let me sink!

Deliver me from those who hate me,

from the deep water!

69:15 Don’t let the current overpower me!

Don’t let the deep swallow me up!

Don’t let the pit devour me!

69:16 Answer me, O Lord, for your loyal love is good!

Because of your great compassion, turn toward me!

69:17 Do not ignore your servant,

for I am in trouble! Answer me right away!

69:18 Come near me and redeem me!

Because of my enemies, rescue me!