Psalms 18:42

18:42 I grind them as fine windblown dust;

I beat them underfoot like clay in the streets.

Psalms 46:6

46:6 Nations are in uproar, kingdoms are overthrown.

God gives a shout, the earth dissolves.

Psalms 83:4-8

83:4 They say, “Come on, let’s annihilate them so they are no longer a nation!

Then the name of Israel will be remembered no more.”

83:5 Yes, they devise a unified strategy;

they form an alliance against you.

83:6 It includes the tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites,

Moab and the Hagrites,

83:7 Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek,

Philistia and the inhabitants of Tyre.

83:8 Even Assyria has allied with them,

lending its strength to the descendants of Lot. (Selah)

Isaiah 8:9

8:9 You will be broken, O nations;

you will be shattered!

Pay attention, all you distant lands of the earth!

Get ready for battle, and you will be shattered!

Get ready for battle, and you will be shattered!

Luke 18:32

18:32 For he will be handed over to the Gentiles; he will be mocked, mistreated, and spat on.

Acts 4:25

4:25 who said by the Holy Spirit through your servant David our forefather,

Why do the nations rage,

and the peoples plot foolish things?