Psalms 2:9

2:9 You will break them with an iron scepter;

you will smash them like a potter’s jar!’”

Psalms 94:5

94:5 O Lord, they crush your people;

they oppress the nation that belongs to you.

Job 19:2

19:2 “How long will you torment me

and crush me with your words?

Job 34:24

34:24 He shatters the great without inquiry,

and sets up others in their place.

Proverbs 20:26

20:26 A wise king separates out the wicked;

he turns the threshing wheel over them.

Jeremiah 51:20-23

51:20 “Babylon, you are my war club,

my weapon for battle.

I used you to smash nations.

I used you to destroy kingdoms.

51:21 I used you to smash horses and their riders.

I used you to smash chariots and their drivers.

51:22 I used you to smash men and women.

I used you to smash old men and young men.

I used you to smash young men and young women.

51:23 I used you to smash shepherds and their flocks.

I used you to smash farmers and their teams of oxen.

I used you to smash governors and leaders.”