Psalms 25:16

25:16 Turn toward me and have mercy on me,

for I am alone and oppressed!

Psalms 102:3-4

102:3 For my days go up in smoke,

and my bones are charred like a fireplace.

102:4 My heart is parched and withered like grass,

for I am unable to eat food.

Psalms 119:81-83

כ (Kaf)

119:81 I desperately long for your deliverance.

I find hope in your word.

119:82 My eyes grow tired as I wait for your promise to be fulfilled.

I say, “When will you comfort me?”

119:83 For I am like a wineskin dried up in smoke.

I do not forget your statutes.

Luke 22:44

22:44 And in his anguish he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.]