Psalms 3:1

Psalm 3

A psalm of David, written when he fled from his son Absalom.

3:1 Lord, how numerous are my enemies!

Many attack me.

Psalms 4:1

Psalm 4

For the music director, to be accompanied by stringed instruments; a psalm of David.

4:1 When I call out, answer me,

O God who vindicates me!

Though I am hemmed in, you will lead me into a wide, open place.

Have mercy on me and respond to my prayer!

Psalms 6:1

Psalm 6

For the music director, to be accompanied by stringed instruments, according to the sheminith style; a psalm of David.

6:1 Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger!

Do not discipline me in your raging fury!

Psalms 7:1

Psalm 7

A musical composition by David, which he sang to the Lord concerning a Benjaminite named Cush.

7:1 O Lord my God, in you I have taken shelter.

Deliver me from all who chase me! Rescue me!

Psalms 8:1

Psalm 8

For the music director, according to the gittith style; a psalm of David.

8:1 O Lord, our Lord,

how magnificent is your reputation throughout the earth!

You reveal your majesty in the heavens above!

Psalms 12:1

Psalm 12

For the music director; according to the sheminith style; a psalm of David.

12:1 Deliver, Lord!

For the godly have disappeared;

people of integrity have vanished.

Psalms 13:1

Psalm 13

For the music director; a psalm of David.

13:1 How long, Lord, will you continue to ignore me?

How long will you pay no attention to me?

Psalms 14:1

Psalm 14

For the music director; by David.

14:1 Fools say to themselves, “There is no God.”

They sin and commit evil deeds;

none of them does what is right.

Psalms 22:1

Psalm 22

For the music director; according to the tune “Morning Doe;” a psalm of David.

22:1 My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?

I groan in prayer, but help seems far away.

Psalms 28:1

Psalm 28

By David.

28:1 To you, O Lord, I cry out!

My protector, do not ignore me!

If you do not respond to me,

I will join those who are descending into the grave.

Psalms 30:1

Psalm 30

A psalm – a song used at the dedication of the temple; by David.

30:1 I will praise you, O Lord, for you lifted me up,

and did not allow my enemies to gloat over me.

Psalms 34:1

Psalm 34

Written by David, when he pretended to be insane before Abimelech, causing the king to send him away.

34:1 I will praise the Lord at all times;

my mouth will continually praise him.

Psalms 36:1

Psalm 36

For the music director; written by the Lord’s servant, David; an oracle.

36:1 An evil man is rebellious to the core.

He does not fear God,

Psalms 39:1

Psalm 39

For the music director, Jeduthun; a psalm of David.

39:1 I decided, “I will watch what I say

and make sure I do not sin with my tongue.

I will put a muzzle over my mouth

while in the presence of an evil man.”

Psalms 53:1

Psalm 53

For the music director; according to the machalath style; a well-written song by David.

53:1 Fools say to themselves, “There is no God.”

They sin and commit evil deeds;

none of them does what is right.

Psalms 58:1

Psalm 58

For the music director; according to the al-tashcheth style; a prayer of David.

58:1 Do you rulers really pronounce just decisions?

Do you judge people fairly?

Psalms 59:1

Psalm 59

For the music director; according to the al-tashcheth style; a prayer of David, written when Saul sent men to surround his house and murder him.

59:1 Deliver me from my enemies, my God!

Protect me from those who attack me!

Psalms 131:1

Psalm 131

A song of ascents, by David.

131:1 O Lord, my heart is not proud,

nor do I have a haughty look.

I do not have great aspirations,

or concern myself with things that are beyond me.

Psalms 142:1

Psalm 142

A well-written song by David, when he was in the cave; a prayer.

142:1 To the Lord I cry out;

to the Lord I plead for mercy.