Psalms 31:1-20

Psalm 31

For the music director; a psalm of David.

31:1 In you, O Lord, I have taken shelter!

Never let me be humiliated!

Vindicate me by rescuing me!

31:2 Listen to me!

Quickly deliver me!

Be my protector and refuge,

a stronghold where I can be safe!

31:3 For you are my high ridge and my stronghold;

for the sake of your own reputation you lead me and guide me.

31:4 You will free me from the net they hid for me,

for you are my place of refuge.

31:5 Into your hand I entrust my life;

you will rescue me, O Lord, the faithful God.

31:6 I hate those who serve worthless idols,

but I trust in the Lord.

31:7 I will be happy and rejoice in your faithfulness,

because you notice my pain

and you are aware of how distressed I am.

31:8 You do not deliver me over to the power of the enemy;

you enable me to stand in a wide open place.

31:9 Have mercy on me, for I am in distress!

My eyes grow dim from suffering.

I have lost my strength.

31:10 For my life nears its end in pain;

my years draw to a close as I groan.

My strength fails me because of my sin,

and my bones become brittle.

31:11 Because of all my enemies, people disdain me;

my neighbors are appalled by my suffering

those who know me are horrified by my condition;

those who see me in the street run away from me.

31:12 I am forgotten, like a dead man no one thinks about;

I am regarded as worthless, like a broken jar.

31:13 For I hear what so many are saying,

the terrifying news that comes from every direction.

When they plot together against me,

they figure out how they can take my life.

31:14 But I trust in you, O Lord!

I declare, “You are my God!”

31:15 You determine my destiny!

Rescue me from the power of my enemies and those who chase me.

31:16 Smile on your servant!

Deliver me because of your faithfulness!

31:17 O Lord, do not let me be humiliated,

for I call out to you!

May evil men be humiliated!

May they go wailing to the grave!

31:18 May lying lips be silenced –

lips that speak defiantly against the innocent

with arrogance and contempt!

31:19 How great is your favor,

which you store up for your loyal followers!

In plain sight of everyone you bestow it on those who take shelter in you.

31:20 You hide them with you, where they are safe from the attacks of men;

you conceal them in a shelter, where they are safe from slanderous attacks.