Psalms 32:3-4

32:3 When I refused to confess my sin,

my whole body wasted away,

while I groaned in pain all day long.

32:4 For day and night you tormented me;

you tried to destroy me in the intense heat of summer. (Selah)

Psalms 38:5-8

38:5 My wounds are infected and starting to smell,

because of my foolish sins.

38:6 I am dazed and completely humiliated;

all day long I walk around mourning.

38:7 For I am overcome with shame

and my whole body is sick.

38:8 I am numb with pain and severely battered;

I groan loudly because of the anxiety I feel.

Psalms 102:4-5

102:4 My heart is parched and withered like grass,

for I am unable to eat food.

102:5 Because of the anxiety that makes me groan,

my bones protrude from my skin.

Job 19:20

19:20 My bones stick to my skin and my flesh;

I have escaped alive with only the skin of my teeth.